Okipays Privacy Policy

Okipays is a service designed to bring your cryptocurrency experience to the next level. Our mission is to make the following functions comfortable and accessible for you:  
   •   Acceptance of cryptocurrency as payment for goods and services; 

   •   Self-storage of cryptocurrency assets; 

    •   Access to reporting and billing features; 

    •   Conversion to any currency or stablecoin; 

    •   Individual payment buttons; 

    •   Hosted checkout pages; 

    •   Webhooks for accruals; 

    •   Reliable API. 

Okipays (hereinafter “We”, “Us”, “Our”), belong to the company EXCHANGE TECHNOLOGIES LTD. Web-based platform that allows businesses to accept payments in various cryptocurrencies. 

The document that you are reading now, our Privacy Policy, is intended to provide you with the most complete and detailed information about the following provisions: 

    •   Data collection 

    •   Data storage 

    •   Protecting the information you provide to us. 

    •   Use of our Users' data and information 

 We kindly ask you to carefully read the following provisions before using our website at https://okipays.com, so that in the future there will be no legal or ethical misunderstandings between us. If during the reading you have any questions, use the opportunity to contact us at [email protected]

Mandatory consent to the Privacy Policy  

If you become our customer, installed the Okipays App, or created an account on our Service, this means that you agree to this Privacy Policy by default. If you do not agree with it in general, or with certain aspects of it, please stop using our Services immediately. 


Changes to the Privacy Policy 

We reserve the right to make changes to this Policy at any time, in our sole discretion. We undertake to notify you in advance. If any material changes are made, notification will be sent to your email, application or any other communication channel that you leave to us. 

Please note that Okipays may provide additional information about the collection, use and exchange of data for specific Services. These notices may supplement or clarify our privacy practices for Users. We may also provide you with additional choices about how we will process your personal information. 


Scope of this Privacy Policy 

Attention! The terms you read in this document only apply to commercial services, not the storage of cryptocurrencies. 


Interaction with Okipays Clients and Users 

We will explain the peculiarities of the relationship to Clients and Users and interaction with them (hereinafter referred to as You). Here are the options for the relationship between Okipays and You: 

The User is an individual who provides us with personal information through our website or other services, products or platforms, for example, by subscribing to our newsletter or by creating an account and posting on forums. Okipays is the “data controller” in relation to its Users. 

The Client is a special type of user who has drawn us to act as an agent (or, as a “Data Processor”) by receiving our Services. Okipays is a “data processor” in relation to Clients. 

An End User Customer is a person whose personal information is held by our customers. We are not concerned with the purpose and means of collecting this personal information. We are not in a direct relationship with End Users. 

In what follows, we will refer to both Сlients and Users as “You”. 


Information We Collect 

We value and respect the privacy rights of our Clients and Users. Therefore, the information we receive from you is guaranteed not to be sold, rented, lent, or transferred to third parties without your consent (except as described below in this Privacy Policy). We collect it only in order to provide you with our Services in a better and more personalized manner. We also need it to contact you, and for your direct or indirect identification on the Site. We receive your personal information when you install the Application or create an account on the Okipays website. 


Information You Provide 

To provide you with the safe, timely and comfortable provision of our Services, we need the following information: 

    •   Your email address and a secure password that you come up with. Attention! Do not use your Okipays account password on other services. 

    •   Your public cryptocurrency addresses that you create while using Okipays. 

    •   Your Transactions - we store the records, histories or metadata of transactions that you conduct on the relevant blockchain. If you request personal information from your customers as part of a transaction, we keep a copy of that information. To track cryptocurrency transactions and provide you with account balance information, we store public keys associated with your private keys. 

    •   Customer Support - We collect the additional information that you disclose to our customer support team. 


Information Collected Automatically 

High-level information about your activities is automatically stored in our database. In particular, how you use our service and how you interact with others through it. Logs the data you submit to the logs and reports on diagnostics, crashes and website performance. 

We also want to notify you that we store information about your device and settings for connecting to us when you use Okipays. We store your IP address and the browser software you use to access us. 


Why do we collect information about you? 

Surely you are interested to know why we need all the above-listed information that we save about you. The above-mentioned information is important for our work. It improves, customizes, supports and promotes the Okipays services. 

We may use your information for the following purposes: 

1. Provision of Okipays services 

We cannot provide you with the services of accepting, selling and storing cryptocurrency if we do not know your email address and password that you came up with specifically for our service. 

2. Provision of office communications

We need your contacts to promptly notify you of important events and changes on Okipays, as well as send you information related to your transactions. These messages are to ensure  that you are informed of all important events related to your account. These changes, in turn, may affect the way you use Okipays services. 

 3. Technical support and customer service 

We need your data when it comes to resolving technical issues, disputes or troubleshooting system problems. If we do not process your personal data, we will not be able to respond to your requests and ensure the smooth operation of our Service. 

4. Quality control and bug fixing 

We must process your personal information for quality control and training purposes so that Okipays remains reliable and uninterrupted for you. If we neglected this need, it would lead to problems in providing you with our Services - for example, inaccurate transaction records and other disruptions. 

Note: For persons residing in the United Kingdom, the European Economic Area or Switzerland (collectively “Designated Countries”), in accordance with the EU General Data Protection Regulation (“GDPR”) or any similar legislation. We process this personal information in accordance with our contract with you. 

5. Research and development 

The data you provide to us helps us to better understand you and your end users. Based on them, we draw conclusions about how you use our services, how it is more comfortable for you to interact with the Okipays service. Based on it, we analyze, customize and improve our services, as well as the content and layout of our website, and develop new services. This would be impossible without information about you. 

6. Okipays Website Optimization 

Your personal information helps us to improve the Okipays website to provide you with a personalized experience and to fulfill your requested preferences.

7. Facilitating corporate acquisitions, mergers or transactions 

We may process any information related to your account and use of our Services if necessary in the context of corporate acquisitions, mergers or other corporate transactions. You have the option to close your account if you do not want your personal information to be processed for such purposes. 

8. Marketing 

Your preferences help us better customize the way we send you marketing communications. With their help, we inform you about goods and services that may be of interest to you. Your personal information helps us to target marketing, not “randomly”, and not overload you with unnecessary spam. We form advertising offers based on your preferences. As a reminder, you can unsubscribe from our newsletter at any time and free of charge. 

We will not use your information for purposes other than the above-mentioned. From time to time, we may ask you for permission to transfer your personal information to third parties. You can refuse to share your personal information with third parties or to allow us to use your personal information for any purpose incompatible with the purposes for which we originally collected it or for which we subsequently obtained your permission. If you choose to restrict the use of your personal information, some features or Services may not be available to you. 

9. Connection 

Your personal information is also used for communication. By storing it, we may send you messages related to your Account, Okipays services and other things or events that, in our opinion, may be of interest to you. In case the message  we sent is not of interest to you or is not specifically related to your account, you will be provided with an unsubscribemechanism, making it possible to stop receiving messages from Okipays in the future. 


Transfer of personal information to end users-clients 

If your Account is used during a transaction with your end user customer, that end user customer will have access to the address associated with your public key so that they can pay for their purchases. 


Transfer of Information to Affiliates and Law Enforcement Agencies 

We ask you to note that we may share your personal information with our Affiliates.  

Affiliates are those persons who have the ability to influence the decision-making process and the activities of other persons carrying out business activities. 

This is so that we can effectively operate, provide, improve, customize, maintain and promote our Services. 

For example, these are companies that provide us with infrastructure, delivery systems and other options and systems that are vital to us. 

We will also share information with our Affiliates in the normal course of business to provide the Services and Affiliated Services.  

We may also share information with law enforcement agencies, government officials, affiliates or other third parties if: 

a) the necessity is related to a subpoena, court order or similar legal procedure; 

b) we have concluded that disclosing personal information will prevent physical harm or financial loss. 

c) if the User is suspected of illegal activity that he or she performs using the Okipays service. 

d) if it is necessary to investigate the violation of the Terms of Use of the Okipays service. 


Use of Cookies 

Cookies are used by web servers to identify and track users as they navigate different pages on a website. Okipays uses for a variety of reasons, including enabling our platform to work more efficiently, providing personalized content and advertising, and creating website analytics. Below you can find the detailed overview. 


About Cookies 

Okipays uses cookies when you start using our Services.  

Cookies are small text files that are stored on your computer or mobile device when you visit a website. Cookies contain information that can later be read by a web server in the domain that issued the Cookie.  Based on the information analysis, we can optimize the Okipays service for you.


Cookies Types

Two main cookies types are distinguished: session cookies and persistent cookies. You can find the detailed overview of both type. Here. Our platform uses  session cookies, persistent cookies and other similar technologies.


Session cookies are specific to a particular visit and carry information as you view different pages, so you don’t have to re-enter information every time you change pages or attempt to check out. Session cookies expire and delete themselves automatically in a short period of time, like after you leave Okipays or when you close your web browser. 

Persistent cookies are stored on your browser cache or mobile device until you choose to delete them, and otherwise typically delete themselves at expiration. Persistent cookies store certain information about your preferences for viewing the site and allow our platform to recognize you each time you return

Third-party cookies are placed by someone other than our platform, and may gather browsing activity across multiple websites and across multiple sessions. They are usually a type of persistent cookie and are stored until you delete them, or they expire based on the time period set in each third-party cookie.

Operational cookies are some cookies that we have to include in order for certain web pages to function. For this reason, they do not require your consent. In particular: authentication cookies and technical cookies required by certain IT systems.


Consent, Contract, and Legitimate interests in processing 

1. Certain Cookie Technologies are used to make the site function for its intended purpose and are provided based on contractual necessity based on your agreement with dex-trade.com to perform the services, you have requested. These include the functions strictly necessary to the service noted above.

2. Our EU/GDPR Cookie Bar shows our Site visitors a GDPR friendly cookie bar banner that informs you that our website uses cookies and allows you to view our Privacy Policy. As soon as you agree to your terms, the banner disappears automatically.

3. By choosing to use our Services after having been notified of our use of Cookie Technologies in the ways described in this Policy, and, in applicable jurisdictions, through notice and unambiguous acknowledgment of your consent, you agree to such use. 


Managing your cookie technology preferences

1. Opt-in and Opt-out for Browsers

In addition, when you use Okipays, you can change your web browser's settings to reflect your cookie preferences. Each browser is a bit different, but as a rule, these settings are under the options or preferences menu.

If you reject or block all cookies in your browser settings, you will not be able to take advantage of Okipays Services, as some cookies are necessary for the Site to function properly.

2. Mobile and Third-Party Device Opt-out

If you access Okipays through the Mobile, you may also control interest-based advertising on an iOS or Android device.

For third-party IoT devices such as voice-activated assistants or smart TVs, consult the manufacturer and/or service provider for the opt-out mechanism for their respective devices and services.


DNT and Tracking Prohibition 

Some Internet browsers, such as Internet Explorer, Firefox, and Safari, include the ability to send Do Not Track or DNT signals. Since unified standards for DNT signals have not been adopted, we do not work with such signals, and our service does not respond to them. Disable DNT to be able to work with Okipays. 


Minors and children 

Only persons over 18 are allowed to use Okipays. We do not solicit or collect personal information from minors. If we suspect that a user submitting personal information is below this age threshold, we will require them to close their account and prevent further use of the Services. We will also take steps to remove the information as soon as possible. If you find out that any minor user is using our services, we ask you to inform us so that we can prevent his access to our Services. 


Security guarantees 

We care about the safety of our users, and we take all necessary measures for this. We also support and require our service providers to maintain appropriate physical, technical and administrative safeguards to protect the security and privacy of personal information that you trust us. 

However, we emphasize that you play the most important role in protecting your personal information. We cannot guarantee the safety of your data and assets if you violate Okipays' terms of use. We strongly recommend that you read the Terms Of Service section to avoid these violations. 

We also cannot guarantee your safety in case of loss of input data, their misuse; In the event that a third party gains unauthorized access to your account and changes data, we may also be powerless. 

Therefore, when you register for our services, we ask you to choose a strong and sufficiently long password containing: 

    •   At least 1 digit 

    •   At least 1 uppercase letter 

    •   At least 1 special character 

It is important that your password cannot be memorized at first glance — this will additionally protect you from intruders. 

We are also not responsible for the privacy and security of information that you transmit to us or receive from us via the Internet, Wi-Fi, cellphone or SMS, as we have no way to protect it once it is sent and until it will not disappear. If you have reason to believe that your data is no longer protected, please contact us at the email address provided at the end of this Privacy Policy. 


Information Storage 

The storage of your personal information by Okipays is mostly temporary. It is kept with us until the goals with which we collected it are achieved. These purposes include, in particular, the fulfillment of any legal, accounting or reporting obligations or for the resolution of disputes. While retention requirements vary from jurisdiction to jurisdiction, below we provide standard retention times for the various types of personal information you provide to us. 

1. Your e-mail for marketing purposes is stored until you unsubscribe or delete your account. After that, we will not add your details to the mailing list indefinitely. Perhaps until you again want to keep abreast of our updates and subscribe back. Then we will save your e-mail with a new one. 

2. Information collected through technical means such as cookies, web page counters and other analytics tools is stored for a period of up to one year from the date the cookie expires. 

If you have questions about the retention periods for an aspect of your personal information that has not been described above, please contact us. Contacts are listed at the end of this Privacy Policy. 


Right to withdraw consent 

You have the right to revoke your consent to the processing of your personal information collected based on your consent at any time. This will not affect the legality of data processing in any way. Please be aware that some Okipays services may not be available to you as a result of withdrawal of your consent. 


Right to access and correct your personal information 

If you find that your personal information held by us is not reliable; or if the information provided to you is no longer relevant, you can request correction at any time. If you want to check exactly what information we have collected about you, then for a certain fee related to the collection of information (as permitted by law), and without delay. You can ask us to edit or update any of your personal information. 

You have the right to request that we provide you with a copy of your personal information held by us. This information will be provided without undue delay for a fee associated with the collection of information (as permitted by law), unless such provision infringes on the rights and freedoms of others. You can also ask us to correct or update any of your personal information that we have inaccurate. 


Right to erasure 

You have the right to request that we delete your personal information in the following cases: 

    •   The information is no longer needed for the purposes for which it was collected and processed; 

    •   You previously gave your consent to the collection, processing and storage of this information, but later decided to withdraw it. 

    •   The collection and processing of your information was carried out in a manner that you object to, and there is no overriding legal basis for it.

In a situation where we made your personal information publicly available, but now you want it to be deleted, we, using all the technologies available to us, will take reasonable steps and technical measures to inform other parties that process your personal information. affiliates that you have requested the removal of any links, copying and replication of your personal information. The above may be limited by the relevant data protection laws. 


Right to data portability  

If we process your personal information on the basis of a contract with you or based on your consent, or the processing is carried out using automated means, you can request to receive your personal information in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format. You also have the right to ask us to directly transfer your personal information to another Controller, if technically possible. An exception is made when the exercise of this right interferes with the rights and freedoms of others. 

By Controller we mean the natural or legal person, government agency or other body that, alone or jointly with others, determines the purposes and means of processing your personal information. 


Right to restriction of processing 

At your request, we can restrict the processing of your personal information. Your objections will be considered if one of the following conditions applies: 

    •   The personal information processed by us is not accurate. In this case, processing is suspended for the period necessary for us to verify the accuracy of your data. Any inaccuracies found will be corrected without delay. 

    •   The processing is illegal or erroneous. You want to challenge the deletion of your personal information and, instead, request the restriction of its use. For example, we suspected you that you are under 18, or that you are engaged in illegal activities, although in reality this is not the case, and we were mistaken about you. We will double-check the information. 

    •   We no longer need your personal information for processing purposes, but you do need it to establish, enforce or defend legal claims. 

    •   You object to processing pending verification that the legitimate grounds for our processing outweigh your rights. 

Limited personal information will only be processed by Okipays with your consent. Without consent, it may be processed to create, exercise or defend legal claims or to protect the rights of another natural or legal person or for reasons of important public interest. If the restrictions are lifted, we will notify you immediately. 



Removal, Correction and Restriction Notice 

You will be informed  through the current communication channel, about all the changes with your information (editing, deleting or processing restrict).  We also inform each recipient to whom your personal information has been disclosed. The exceptions are those cases where this is impossible or requires disproportionate efforts. If you ask for information about who these recipients are, we will let you know about them. 


Right to object to processing 

If the processing of your personal information is based on consent, contract or legitimate interests, you can limit or object to it at any time, in accordance with applicable law. We will only refuse you if the processing is necessary to defend legal claims, or in the event of exceptions permitted by applicable law. 


Right to lodge a complaint 

If you believe Okipays is in any way infringing your rights, we recommend that you first contact us at the following address: [email protected]. Once we receive your application, we will try to resolve your problem or talk to you informally. You also have the right to lodge a complaint with the competent supervisory authority located in the EU Member State where you normally live, work or where the alleged violation is concerned. 

You can contact the Okipays Data Protection Officer at the following address: [email protected] 

We add that your rights to personal information are not absolute. We may deny you access if: 

    •   denial of access is required or permitted by law; 

    •   providing access will negatively affect the privacy of others; 

    •   protecting our rights and property is required; 

    •   the request is frivolous or offensive. 


To contact us 

If you have any questions about our Privacy Policy, we will await your inquiries at: [email protected]